

If you are feeling sick or you are waiting for the COVID-19 test result, please stay home.
Should you have any flu-like symptoms or test positive for COVID-19, please contact any staff member to let us know.
Thank you!

Si te sientes enfermo o esperas el resultado del examen COVID-19, por favor quedate en casa.
Si sientes sintomas de flu/gripe o eres positivo de COVID-19, por favor informar a cualquiera de los entrenadores.

Forever Young CrossFit – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard


Warm-up (No Measure)


1:00 Cat Cow

1:00 Inch Worms

1:00 Alt. Groiners

1:00 Alt. Superman



10 Scap. Push Ups

10 Sumo Stance Good Morning

:15 Pike Hold

10 Med Ball Front Squat


INDV: Metcon (Time)

Buy In: 800m Run

50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)

45 KB Sumo Deadlift (70/53)|(53/35)

40 Hands Release Push Ups

35 Plate Ground to Overhead (45/25)

15/15 Single Arm KB Push Press

25 Med Ball Clean

20 Alt. V-Ups

15 Up & Down

10 Pike Push Ups

5 Wall Walk

Cash Out: 800m Run


TEAM: Metcon (Time)

Buy in: 800m Run (Together)

100 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)

90 KB Sumo Deadlift (70/53)|(53/35)

80 Sync. Hands Release Push Ups

70 Plate Ground to Overhead **(45/25)

60 KB Single Arm Push Press ***

50 Med Ball Clean

40 V-Ups

30 Sync. Up & Down

20 Pike Push Ups

10 Wall Walks

Cash Out: 800m Run (Together)

**Plate G2OH: Athlete 1 work, Athlete 2 wait in Low Plank.**

***KB push Press: Athlete 1 work 15/15 each side, Athlete 2 hold the Med Ball Overhead.***