CrossFit – Sat, Oct 1

Forever Young CrossFit – CrossFit

Warm Up (No Measure)

2 Sets:

:15/side Arm Stretch (against the wall)

7/side Seated Plate External Rotation (5,2.5)

10 PVC Passthrough

5 Push Up to Pike Stretch


2 Sets:

3 Snatch Deadlift

5 Snatch High Pull

3 Muscle Snatch

5 Push Jerk (Snatch Grip-Behind the neck)

(8 MIN)


Power Snatch (Weight)


MIN 1: 5 Power Snatch (T&G/Light moderate load)

MIN 2: Adjust the load (Heavier)

MIN 3: 3 Power Snatch (Single Reps/take :05 between each rep)


AMRAP X6 MIN (Each Set) (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3 Sets:

35 Double Unders/70 Single Unders

12 Hang Muscle Snatch (75/55)|(65/45)

14 Alt. Single DB Hang Squat Clean (50/35)|(35/25)

16 Burpees to Target

**Rest 1:00 Between each set**