CrossFit – Thu, Feb 2

Forever Young CrossFit – CrossFit

Warm Up (No Measure)

3 Sets:

3/3 Rope Pull Ups

5/5 Around the World w/Plate (25/15)

10 Scap. Pull Ups

5 Cobra Stretch into Child Pose

5/5 Single DB Death March (25/15)

5 Kip Swings

(8 MIN)

Skill Practice

Rope Climb (No Measure)

*Technique Practice*

8 MIN Running clock…


MIN 1: 1-2 Rope Climbs

MIN 2: 10 Barbell Bent Over Row

**If you already know how to do rope climbs, switch the movement for 12-15 Floor Press (building weight per set) or Legless Rope Climbs 2-3 reps**

Partner Workout

For Time: (Time)

4 Rounds:

400m Run (together)

30 Partner Alt. Wall Ball Shots (20/14)

12 (Athlete 1: DB Thrusters) + (Athlete 2: Double DB or KB Front Rack Hold) DB’s: 50/35)|KB’s 53/35)

9 Wall Walks (You go, I go)

(15 MIN)