CrossFit – Thu, Dec 15

Forever Young CrossFit – CrossFit

Warm Up (No Measure)

1st Set:


:20 on/:10 off


Side Lunges

Calf Raises

Alt. Superman

2nd Set:

2 Rounds:

:20 Quad Stretch (on wall)

:20 Hollow Hold or Tuck Hold

5 Push Up to Pike Stretch

:15/side Child Pose (left/right)

Conditioning (Calories)

Row or Bike

4 Sets:

:45 sec. (increasing effort every :15 sec.)

Rest 1:30 between Sets

Partner Workout

For Time: (Time)

Buy in: 1600m Row (switch athletes any time)



Thrusters (95/65)|(75/55)

Toes to Bar (Floor scaling option: Weighted Sit ups)

(Switch athlete at any time)

*Athlete 1 work, Athlete 2 rest*

(22 MIN)