
Forever Young CrossFit – Weightlifting for CrossFit

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WL – Half Thacker – Snatch (No Measure)

3 Rounds of:

10 Sec. in squatting quad. w/ snatch grip

Then, Muscle snatch

10 Sec. Snatch grip overhead hold

10 Sec. Overhead squat hold

WL – Snatch Pregression 3.0 (No Measure)

Complete 5 reps of each portion of the warm up progression before moving on to the next step.

1 – muscle snatch from position 3 + OHS

2 – hang power snatch + OHS

3 – power snatch + OHS

4 – snatch


1: 1 S + 1 SB + 1 OHS (8×1+1+1 for a challenging weight)

Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat
Take 15 min, to work up to a challenging weight

2: PC + PJ + PC (8×1+1+1 for a challenging weight)

power clean + power jerk + power clean
Take 15 min, to work up to a challenging weight

3: Front Squat (3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3)

Take 15 min, to work up to a challenging 3RM