
Forever Young CrossFit – Weightlifting for CrossFit

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1: WL – Shoulders & Hips (No Measure)

Duck walk w/ PVC; 2 x (down & back)

Prone press to slamball (30 reps)

PVC passthroughs (10 reps)

PVC passthroughs (10 reps) + 2.5#

PVC passthroughs (10 reps) + 5#

PVC passthroughs (10 reps) + 7.5#

2: WL – Half Thacker – Snatch (No Measure)

3 Rounds of:

10 Sec. in squatting quad. w/ snatch grip

Then, Muscle snatch

10 Sec. Snatch grip overhead hold

10 Sec. Overhead squat hold

3: WL – Squatting Quad 4 Part Warm Up – Snatch (No Measure)

From the squatting quad position*:

Muscle snatch (3 reps)

Power snatch (3 reps)

Power snatch + OHS (3 reps)

Full snatch (3 reps)

*The squatting quad position is, from a standing position squat down with knees parallel to hips, then place the bar on middle of the thigh


1: MS + OHS (2+2, 2+2, 2+2, 2+2, 2+2)

muscle snatch + overhead squat
Take 10 min, to work up to a technical 2+2

2: Pause Power Snatch (3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3)

The segment power snatch is performed identically to the power snatch, with the exception that there are one or more pauses included during the pull. Begin the lift as you would a power snatch, and when you reach the first prescribed pause height, hold that position for the prescribed time (usually 2-3 seconds). After the pause, continue the movement to the next pause position if there is one. After the last pause position, complete the power snatch as usual.
Take 10 min, to work up to a technical 3RM

3: Pause Snatch (3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3)

Pause snatch begins with a 3 second hold above the knee and then a full snatch
Take 10 min, to work up to a technical 3RM